From the course: Using AI as Your SEO Assistant

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Using AI to improve your target keywords

Using AI to improve your target keywords

From the course: Using AI as Your SEO Assistant

Using AI to improve your target keywords

- Have you ever found yourself with a webpage that's not performing as well as you'd like in terms of SEO? If you've got a webpage, the chances are pretty high that you'll say yes to that question. You don't necessarily want to start from scratch and rebuild the entire thing, but you're eager to know what changes you can make just to improve its chances of reaching the right audiences. Well, guess what? I've got a prompt for that. No surprise there. In this demo, we'll be using Bing to analyze a live webpage. So let's take the prompt for a spin and see what insights it offers us. We're back in Microsoft Edge. Let's activate Bing's version of ChatGPT by rolling over the speech bubble. There we go. I want to put this into balanced mode because we're going to get it to come up with some ideas for us, and if we're in precise mode it's more about reporting and just giving you facts. We want it to actually generate stuff…
