From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

What do we need to make this work?

- [Instructor] The first phase in any UX design project is research and this can be accomplished by doing it yourself or retaining the pros. Why research? If you don't know who you are designing for, then you have no clue why you should build it. If you don't know that, then it doesn't matter how the project lands in the market. You're already dead in the water. The other big mistake you can make is to make general assumptions about the user and the market, and then go no farther. Do that, and you're falling into the same trap as those blind men when they encountered the elephant. One feels the tail and assumes it's a rope. Another feels the trunk and assumes it is a snake. Another feels the leg and assumes it's a tree. Your assumptions don't show how all of the pieces fit together to make up the final product. A typical research project involves two pieces, market research and user research. Market research will…
