From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Using design patterns

Using design patterns

- [Instructor] Another major piece of any design system is the creation of a design pattern library. If you are unfamiliar with the term, a design pattern is a solution to a recurring design problem. For example, if your project contains a next button and that button is used on 12 screens, well, then just make one and use it 11 times. And what you can gather from this is design patterns are common solutions to common usability problems, and they are everywhere. Some design patterns include, the infamous Hamburger menu, love it or hate it, this pattern has become ubiquitous because it is the solution to providing more space on a mobile device or website. Sign-in screens. The great thing about sign-in screen is they really only require two pieces of information from the user. In many cases, you can jazz it up, but in actual fact, the simpler the better and best of all, you really only need to create one and…
