From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Overview of user testing

Overview of user testing

- [Instructor] I want to finish off this course talking about user testing. Throughout this course, I've suggested user testing as something to consider at every phase of the project, from wireframes and paper prototypes, right up to full-bore, high-fidelity, interactive prototypes. The reason is much like the one I use to justify motion. You can't assume how people will use your project, you have to see it. Watching users stumble through your project can be a humbling experience. Still, watching people use the interface is the only way to learn where the issues are and how to fix them. In many respects, this is where you fall in love with the user, not the technology. There is also a huge economic incentive to user test at every phase. It is a lot cheaper to fix or revisit the design as the project moves forward than to make the changes after the project is released into the wild. Usability testing is a huge subject…
