From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Making a business case

Making a business case

- [Instructor] As I have clearly stated to this point, you just can't make it up as you go along. Simply recognizing, for example, there isn't an app to introduce visitors to Barcelona is no reason to build it. There needs to be a solid business case based on research to initiate that process. This is where business analysis and UX research come into play. This can be managed by a business analyst or a UX specialist or a collaborative effort on both their parts. In either case, the first thing they will do is to ignore your claim that there is no Barcelona app and go find one or more apps of that genre and do a competitive analysis. This step, lets the team closely examine the competition with an eye to analyzing the strong points and weak points of the products examined. At the same time, they will identify common design patterns or features that may or may not benefit the project and present the team with a deliverable.…
