From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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How will they move through it?

How will they move through it?

- [Instructor] To this point in the process, the team has done a ton of work, identifying the users through personas, isolating the key tasks users may do with the project and what users may need to do to perform those tasks. With all that done the time has arrived to bring all of that data into focus and clearly map out how our user gets from here to there, which is where a user diagram comes into play. These are not even close to the final design, instead, their purpose is to lay out the user's movement through the project and map out every step the user has to take with the project from the entry point to the end point, but let's get really clear on one major point about user flows. They graphically show the entry point for an interaction and end with the final outcome. In this example, let's assume the user opens the Barcelona app for the first time and is confronted with two choices. They may be asked if they are a…
