From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Content wireframe: Determining what goes where

Content wireframe: Determining what goes where - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

Content wireframe: Determining what goes where

- [Instructor] In this exercise, we start the process of visualizing the various screens in the project using wireframes. Wireframes are typically created during the project design and development process. Even if it is a quick sketch in a notebook or grid, or even on a notepad. Though the usual suspects, designers, developers, and product managers create and use wireframes religiously, there are others who will also benefit. They include business analysts, interaction designers, user experience designers, and anybody else involved in the project. Wireframes aren't just a nice to have feature, they are the blueprints for the design. Their job is to connect the information architecture to the screen surface and are visual representations of an interface used to communicate structure. How will this thing be put together? Content, what will the user see? Information hierarchy, what is the order in which the information will…
