From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Accessibility matters

Accessibility matters

- [Instructor] The term user is actually quite dangerous. We tend to talk about our user as some sort of homogenous human being that shares the same traits as the rest of humanity. That would be a huge mistake. Everyone's different. You may have red hair, while mine is black. You may have 20/20 vision, while I need bifocals. You may not be able to see all of the colors from the spectrum, while I can. You are a 20-something, while I am now qualified for senior citizen discounts. In short, we're all quite the opposite from each other, yet we both have one thing in common. We want to know more about Barcelona and will use the app. What I find disappointing is that we all get enthused about the project, we tend to regard making it accessible to the users as an afterthought. Do that and I can assure you it is going to cost you a lot more to fix accessibility issues after the fact, or god forbid, deal with an accessibility…
