From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Using different types of media

Using different types of media

- No doubt, a website with no graphics could look boring and might turn people away, but that's not an excuse to just pile photos, videos, and graphics onto every page without thinking about why you're doing it or what the consequences might be. Think about the purpose of adding every image you put on a site. Does it help to tell a story or to get across the concept that's the focus of your content? Also, consider what benefit the item offers that couldn't be done with a simpler form. For instance, do you really need video or would a still image provide just the same explanatory power? Believe it or not, bandwidth is still an issue. Even though most people typically have fast internet connections to their homes, they don't always have the same speed of connections on their mobile devices, and connecting on a public wifi network can be painfully slow. So, don't go wild with masses of content on your pages. Page load time is just as important now as it ever was, and the more resources…
