From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Creating landing pages from ad campaigns

Creating landing pages from ad campaigns

From the course: User Experience for Web Design

Creating landing pages from ad campaigns

- If category pages are designed to be a type of organic search attractor full of keyword-rich content, then landing pages are the equivalent for page search results. Landing pages are created for targeted campaigns, either from print or online, and so they have a singular focus and a strong call to action. Here, we have an ad for Mother's Day flowers on a search results page. If someone clicks through on it, they see this landing page on our florist site. This landing page is very similar to a regular category page, but the information it contains is all about getting visitors to buy flowers for Mother's Day from this site. Now, for something like a bunch of flowers, it's possible that the landing page can be self-contained. If they like what they see, visitors might just buy directly from the landing page itself. However, visitors are unlikely to commit to a big action after just one page, so the landing page should summarize the information that people can use to make a decision…
