From the course: User Experience for Web Design

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Ask for information in context

Ask for information in context

- It's likely that if you are asking visitors to interact with you and give you some information, you'll need to use a form or two. Forms are a special kind of interface because they require people to follow instructions and give sensible information to you. Filling in forms is not normally high on people's list of enjoyable activities, so how do you create a good user experience around a disliked activity? The short answer is you make it as painless as possible. The easiest way to get good information from people is to make sure they understand why they're giving the information to you. That means asking questions that are focused on the task in hand and not slipping in 10 other marketing questions that you feel might be useful to you somewhere down the line. It also means asking the questions at the right time in the interaction. For instance, there's a large difference between asking people to create an account before they can check out and asking them for exactly the same…
