From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Who owns skills?

Who owns skills?

- If you were to put all of your stakeholders in a room and ask them who owns upskilling at your company, chances are they would probably point to the learning and development team or maybe human resources. The truth is everyone plays a critical role in upskilling, but it can get complicated. In today's climate, many companies are transitioning to a skills-based organization. This usually starts with one business unit purchasing a skills taxonomy and beginning to apply it to their work structure. Unfortunately, this leads to many problems. Applying a skills taxonomy touches all parts of the business, from talent to people managers, to benefits and compensation. If one group runs off in another direction, their taxonomy will be a completely different structure from what the rest of the company is thinking around workforce management. Even if your company is not considering a skills-based organization, and you simply want…
