From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Transferable skills

Transferable skills

- The best way to think about transferrable skills is like basics in your kitchen pantry, like sugar, flour, and salt. They are staples you can use in multiple recipes, and without them, your ability to cook would be impossible. These ingredients are elemental to every dish you prepare. So transferrable skills are just as important to organizations because they form the foundations across different roles and business units. For example, time management is a skill needed in every position from marketing to IT to product management. Other examples of transferrable skills are communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. If transferrable skills are so critical, how do you incorporate them into your upskilling strategy? The approach many companies take is to build a curriculum or pathway for every identified transferrable skill and make it mandatory for everyone to complete. On paper, this looks great, but it is…
