From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Stakeholder buy-in

Stakeholder buy-in

- Every CEO is acutely aware of the danger that skills gaps present to the future of their organization. Yet, few really understand the time, costs, and effort required to gain even one single skill. That's why when you're building your upskilling strategy, you need to put on your sales hat and ensure that you have stakeholder buy-in. Without it, you ability to execute will be impossible. So, how do you get this buy-in? The first way is to connect your upskilling strategy with business outcomes. This means being very specific about how upskilling will help the company do one of three things. Make money, save money, or mitigate risks. A good way to do this is look at your organization's key performance indicators and commitments to shareholders to make sure your strategy can be directly linked to each one. Next step, set expectations. In a previous module, we learned about the importance of building a hypothesis. This…
