From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Skills terminology

Skills terminology

- There's a lot of debate around terms like skills, competencies, and capabilities. At my company, we work with a number of different organizations and each one of them has their own unique and usually passionate perspective on what is defined as a skill. Often it comes down to how detailed and granular they want to analyze skills. Rather than trying to appease all different viewpoints for the purpose of this course, a skill is the learned abilities to perform a task. In conjunction with this, a competency is a bit broader. It's a collection of the skills and knowledge and behaviors to perform a task. Should you disagree, we can talk about that in the comments section. No matter how you are slicing and dicing skills, there are four other terms you should be familiar with when it comes to building an upskilling strategy. These are skills inventory, taxonomy, ontology, and a skills-based organization. A skills…
