From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Invest in content libraries

Invest in content libraries

- Content libraries are a great way to provide access to learning on a wide variety of topics. The average L&D team, no matter the size, is simply unable to design and deliver modules that cater to the diverse needs of every department, from sales and marketing, to product development, to IT. This is why savvy L&D leaders leverage content libraries for generic skills and use their internal team to build company-specific bespoke content using internal subject matter experts. That said, a content library is still a significant investment for any business, which should be used wisely. Unfortunately, many companies provide access to the content as a free-for-all and then track usage. It's a start, but it's not really delivering on the value the library could provide. So, what should you do with your content library when it comes to a skills strategy? First of all, guide your audience towards the content aligned to the skills…
