From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Execute your upskilling strategy

Execute your upskilling strategy

- Building an upskilling strategy for an organization is no small task. There are a lot of moving parts and it requires detailed planning and collaboration in all areas of the business. That said, there are some concrete things you can do immediately to get moving in the right direction, and the key theme is partnerships. First of all, speak with your stakeholders about their plans. Are they thinking about transitioning to a skills-based organization? Are they looking at a skills taxonomy or a talent marketplace? There are no right or wrong answers here other than you want to make sure you are part of the larger picture. Next, have a conversation with HR. Find out what they have done with regards to talent mapping and succession planning. They might be in early days or very far on their journey. Either way, it is important you are collaborating. Then, work with the business stakeholders and HR to determine what…
