From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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- There are a lot of content libraries out there. In fact, you're using one right now. And whilst I really, really hope this course is helping you learn something, we also have to appreciate that upskilling doesn't happen just by consuming content. Would you want a brain surgeon who has watched hundreds of hours of how to on TikTok and read every textbook? Or would you prefer a doctor who has observed and performed surgeries in the operating theater under an expert but has never sat in a lecture hall? Now, hopefully you never need such medical treatment, but the point is practice, feedback loops, coaching, all of these are part of an effective upskilling process and therefore must be part of your strategy. However, this is easier said than done. Most companies by this point have either purchased licenses to a content library or have their own in-house produced courses for their employees to engage with. It is an excellent…
