From the course: Upskilling and Reskilling Your Workforce

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Build a hypothesis and test

Build a hypothesis and test

- Often, L&D teams tackle upskilling by developing long-form curricula, usually connected to roles, and then do a big bang launch. On the one hand, this can generate momentum and big completion numbers, which tend to impress stakeholders. That said, completions do not mean upskilling, and putting all of your eggs into one basket can be extremely risky if the strategy is not fit for purpose. There are so many individual variables in every company that it can take some testing to see what will actually work when it comes to upskilling effectively. This is why I strongly recommend to start by selecting one or two skills to target, determining an evaluation strategy, then deploying and tracking the results. Basically, start small, learn and mitigate risks. This approach means you can be iterative in how you improve your strategy for one skill before you have made a gamble on several. When you get one skill right, you now have…
