From the course: Unreal Engine: Global Illumination for Architectural Visualization

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- [Brian] Now that we have seen how to create, refine and even embellish a GI solution in Unreal, you may well be asking, now that we've finished the course, what comes next? What can we do now that can help us continue to improve our skills in this area? Well, the very best thing that we can do is practice, given that doing this will help firmly lodge all of the principles that we have covered. What I would strongly recommend then is that we go and grab a project our level for ourselves, either one of our own making, or maybe one from the Unreal marketplace, and then see if we can either create from scratch or perhaps improve on an existing GI and lighting solution. Going even further, we could also start to experiment with some very different lighting conditions in the levels or maybe trying out a GI solution from a dusk or sunrise setting, as well as some other, more general, daylight type scenarios. Another exercise that we could try would be to create a GI solution for a still…
