From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

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Turning the impossible into possible

Turning the impossible into possible

From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

Turning the impossible into possible

- When I talk to people at companies where innovation is preached but not practiced, a few common themes come up. They tell me that their cultures are too negative for big ideas to even be suggested. Or when a big idea is suggested, the cynics can't wait to explain all the reasons why it's impossible to execute. If you're working at a negative environment, or if innovation has just stalled out, give this exercise a shot. It's called From Impossible to Possible and it's designed to get people's issues on the table and give them a framework for thinking constructively about solving those issues. So as a group, start by choosing one of three categories of impossibilities. The first is industry impossibilities, as in what things will never happen in our industry? The second, customer impossibilities, in other words, what would customers say we would never do for them? Finally, internal impossibilities, as in what cultural or organizational things would never happen in our company? If it's…
