From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

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Activate customer-centric thinking

Activate customer-centric thinking

From the course: Unlock Your Team's Creativity

Activate customer-centric thinking

- Innovation is about more than just breakthrough ideas or services. It's also any new idea that delivers value to your business and customers. And many of those new ideas are right in front of you if you know where to look. To find new opportunities within your business engage your team in an exercise called hunting grounds. Hunting grounds is designed to reveal your customer's unmet needs and where you can gain an edge over your competition. Like when Westin learned how much people love their beds more than any other hotel chain. They decided, why not sell them directly to consumers? To activate this level of thinking, specify the area of the business you want to grow. To illustrate, let's say we're a tech company that wants to increase revenues for our smart phones. We're going to start by analyzing our smart phone business according to eight categories, eight hunting grounds. And we'll answer both negative and positive questions about each category. Those eight categories go…
