From the course: Understanding Intersectionality

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Applying intersectional inclusivity

Applying intersectional inclusivity

From the course: Understanding Intersectionality

Applying intersectional inclusivity

- So, what does an intersectionality-inclusive workplace actually look like? What are the absolute best business practices to ensure an equitable work environment for all? For one, any methods that would alienate certain team members based on their social or cultural identities must be avoided. Establishing authoritative roles, pay wages, and delegating responsibilities should be based on skill level, work ethic, and company experience alone; not ethnic background, gender, sexuality, or cultural affiliation whatsoever. An intersectionality-inclusive workplace should be mindful of its physical accessibility as well. Wheelchair-accessible ramps, accessible restrooms, and braille signage all help to promote differently abled inclusivity. It's also important for company dress codes not to exclude certain cultural identities or modes of gender expression. Years ago, I worked with an African woman who was constantly harped…
