From the course: Understanding Information Architecture

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New technology, same skills

New technology, same skills

- It seems like there's more information coming at us all of the time, and more need to make sense of it, summarize it, and find the relevant parts of it quickly. Users demand immediate gratification, the ability to search using their mobile device or voice and get instant answers to questions that would previously have taken hours of reading in a library. Categorization, structure, and presentation of this information is all within the realm of what IAs do. Our world is increasingly more visual and interactive. Touch interfaces have really taken off in the last 10 years. With our pocket-sized devices, classification and navigation paths are even more important because there isn't a lot of screen real estate to show multiple options. Brands these days cross multiple channels, too: desktop, mobile, social, even TV and voice interfaces. The information architecture might be unique for these different channels, but it still has to be consistent across the entire set of interfaces…
