From the course: Understanding Information Architecture

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Day-to-day work

Day-to-day work

- [Instructor] So far, we've been pretty abstract in how we define the information architecture role. So let's take a look at a day in the life of an information architect to understand more about their job. Let's say a company is worried about conversion rates from one section of their website. Even though visitors are being driven to that area and they hang around for a while, they don't visit many pages and they really aren't following the calls to action. The first thing an information architect might do when presented with this problem is ask what the business goals are of this part of the site. Is it awareness raising, driving to a purchase, or something else? Knowing the business goals makes it possible to optimize the site for the correct end result. Next, to work out what's happening at the moment, the information architect would probably grab some detailed metrics information and see what user research has been done on this area of the site. The metrics will help provide…
