From the course: Understanding Information Architecture

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Attracting suitable candidates

Attracting suitable candidates

- We've talked about what you want from an information architect, but what are they likely to want from you? How will you attract them to your job? It helps to know what type of work appeals to information architects. Every IA would welcome a large juicy problem area where plenty of analytic and user research data exists, where the goals are clear, and where there's time and money for serious quantities of iterative research. Of course, those jobs don't come up very often. Failing that, they'll probably settle for a role where there's good collaboration between disciplines, mutual respect for people's strengths, and the ability to dive in and get stuff done. It's always really nice to be able to focus on the work rather than the politics. No information architect wants to be hired to redesign the menus. That's a red flag that indicates the company doesn't know what they really want or need the information architect for.…
