From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

The pressure to cover

- I'd like to take a moment to share with you some information about how the pressure to cover creates unnecessary barriers for your LGBTQ+ colleagues, and a framework on how you can change this reality. So why do LGBTQ+ people feel pressured to hide important aspects of who we are at work? Well to start, most LGBTQ+ employees work in countries that fail to protect them from discrimination. Lacking these protections communicates that bringing our full selves to work can lead to great risks, which is why nearly half of all LGBTQ+ people are closeted on the job. The good news, nearly all Fortune 500 companies offer LGBTQ+ benefits, including non-discrimination policies, domestic partner benefits, and gender affirming healthcare coverage. Yet, even with these benefits, the majority of workplaces have an uphill battle to transform their workplace culture. LGBTQ+ employees often face hostility on the job, even in companies that offer inclusive benefits. This includes discrimination when applying for jobs, receiving equal pay, and overhearing biased jokes. Transgender and non-binary employees also endure specific barriers. From accessing restrooms and locker rooms, being deliberately misgendered, and enduring inappropriate questions that challenge who we are. This mistreatment becomes even more severe for BIPOC LGBTQ+ people who endure the compounding impacts of racism, coupled with homophobia and transphobia. The good news is that you are here to learn concrete actions available, no matter your role, to change these harsh realities.
