From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

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Personal actions to take

Personal actions to take

- Often when we imagine culture change, we can easily become overwhelmed and building an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization can feel like a tall order. What if I told you that the process of changing an organization's culture starts with a single ripple? And with some guidance this ripple can begin with you. That's why it's essential to build up your knowledge, skills and confidence to engage in everyday acts of allyship. Let's start by focusing on the importance of continuous learning. It's important to recognize what you already know about LGBTQ+ people and their experience in the workplace and then identify areas for learning growth. So where to start. You can begin by learning about first-person accounts of LGBTQ+ people negotiating if and how to come out in the workplace. Podcasts like Nancy's Coming Out at Work or the out entrepreneur project provide powerful primary accounts. Next learn about the history of…
