From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

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Organizational actions to take

Organizational actions to take

- Has your company made the commitment to building an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization? No matter if it has or hasn't, it's important to take stock of where your culture is today and what may be possible for tomorrow. That's why it's essential to have a roadmap detailing concrete actions your company can take to building more belonging for your LGBTQ+ colleagues. In this video, I'm going to share some of these concrete actions along with a few tips on how you can share this information with your executive team. Let's start by focusing on the importance of rolling out the welcome map. It's important to visibly demonstrate that LGBTQ+ people are welcome in a variety of ways. To start, try featuring the artwork of LGBTQ+ people, including images of LGBTQ+ stakeholders, in your buildings, marketing, and recruitment materials. Other options call for creating all-user restroom signage on single-occupancy bathrooms that…
