From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

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Interrupting common LGBTQ+ microaggressions

Interrupting common LGBTQ+ microaggressions

From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

Interrupting common LGBTQ+ microaggressions

- Have you ever had a situation at work signaling you didn't belong because of who you are? If so, you may have experienced a microaggression. Microaggressions are verbal and non-verbal behavioral, or environmental acts of disrespect targeting people perceived to have less power. As a transgender guy, I've experienced my fair share of them Afterwards, I often ask myself, "Did that really happen? "Or am I just overreacting?" It's natural to second guess their severity. Tragically, LGBTQ+ microaggressions are subtle acts of exclusion that often arise at work. They may include misgendering, or using the wrong pronoun, using offensive language, invalidating families and excluding LGBTQ+ employees from social activities. Consider a non-binary colleague who shares their name and pronouns, they and them during a Zoom meeting. They are met by another colleague's unmuted response, "You realize your pronouns are grammatically incorrect?"…
