From the course: Understanding and Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees

Build an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization

- Have you ever felt unsafe at work? This may have been a time when you felt you needed to hide an important aspect of who you are in order to fit in. This kind of hiding at work is known as covering. It's protective. We cover what's most precious to us, what we're afraid will get hurt on the job in order to get ahead. But covering brings its own pain, brutally extracting the most important parts of our authentic selves. We do it to say, yes, I measure up. Yes, I matter. Yes, I belong. My name is Rhodes Perry, and I use he/him/his pronouns. I'm a bestselling author, a keynote speaker, and a nationally recognized diversity, equity, and inclusion thought leader, helping people just like you build LGBTQ+ inclusive workplaces. And I also have lived experience being a bisexual transgender man. In this course, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about the workplace experiences of your LGBTQ+ colleagues. You'll gain concrete actions to build an LGBTQ+ inclusive organization. You'll learn more about common LGBTQ+ microaggressions and how to disrupt them. And you'll learn a process that will help you commit to taking just one action to create a welcoming workplace culture. Thank you for being here and recognizing the value of creating a workplace environment that gives each of your LGBTQ+ colleagues what they need to be successful at work.
