From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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Size, weight, and width

Size, weight, and width

- Choose your weapons, designers. Your main weapons or tools to accomplish your mission are style, size, weight, and width. When it comes to choosing a style, remember that as a general rule, simpler typefaces without fussy details tend to work better on screen. What about size? It's kind of obvious, but let's go ahead and state the obvious. The larger the size of the type in your frame, the more visible it will be and the more impact it will have. Then there's weight. Typefaces with a heavier appearance or weight read more clearly on screen. Size plus weight packs a punch, even when your typography is combined with lively video. Here's an example using all three typographic tools of size, weight, and width. The type is a simple sans-serif, it's large, it has a strong stroke width, and wide letter forms. Think about choosing typefaces that give you a broad range of weights and widths. There are so many to…
