From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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- Well here we are at the end of this course. If you've watched this course, I hope it has given you some useful and actionable guidelines for you to plan your own type in motion project. I want to thank the creators who contributed their work for this course, especially the folks at Pentagram, Imaginary Forces and Bonnie Siegler at Eight and a Half. Full credit info can be found in your exercise files. I hope this course has helped you feel more confident about planning your own type in motion projects so that they will send a powerful message. Creating a successful type in motion project involves a lot of pre-planning and looking at as many good examples as you can. I've included a list of sources in the exercise files for this course where you can find many more wonderful and inspirational examples of type in motion projects. I especially hope that this course has opened your eyes to the power and expressive possibilities of…
