From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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Interactive versus passive

Interactive versus passive

- Animated type moves on its own, so it is passive. That is, we watch it unfold exactly as it was designed to do by its creator. On the other hand, type can also activate or animate when we take an action. That is to say, it is interactive rather than passive. Let's look at a couple of examples of interactive type in motion where the action is generated by the user. Here's an interactive feature created by ESPN which ranks NFL players. The typography of the title screen carries over to the player screen. As the animation transitions and finishes up, the text information block appears. I just love how this all comes together. Of course, type can be animated in many different ways for interactivity. Here's another ESPN interactive feature incorporating type in motion. When you log on, first the logo animates, and then you can see how the rankings of the top names in sports roll out. When you hover in the rollover…
