From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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Foreground to background contrast

Foreground to background contrast

From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

Foreground to background contrast

- It's so important for your typography, your story, to stand out. To make your type stand out, consider the contrast between the foreground and the background. The background might be imagery which may be moving or still. Here's a little clip of a moving background, it could be murky water. Let's look at a still frame from this clip. It's got some interesting colors in it. Too much of this background is dark, so this black type in the foreground isn't going to stand out at all. Let's say we want to pick up on some of the colors in the image to tie into the mood of the clip. This isn't bad, we can definitely read it. This one is even better though, you can see that just this little shift can make a big difference. But remember, we have to design for the middle, so maybe picking up on another color for the type like the light blue in the corner will pop more and still give us some of the atmosphere in the image. And…
