From the course: Typography: Type in Motion

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Designing for the middle

Designing for the middle

- Why do we need to design for the middle, and what does that mean? When you design for the middle, it means you are thinking about every platform where your work might viewed and planning so that your design will be understandable on each one. Then you have the best possible chance of making your project work for viewers on every device and platform. We live in an increasingly mobile world, there is strong evidence that more and more of us are consuming every kind of media on our phones on a daily basis. We know that in many cases it's the viewers who will be the ones to choose how to view our design work. We want to ensure that whatever device viewers choose, their experience will be a good one. Our typographic choices must succeed at doing the best possible job of conveying information. Designing for the middle means that type has to be large enough to show up at different screen sizes. Heavier weights show up even…
