From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D

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Text objects in Cinema 4D

Text objects in Cinema 4D

- [Instructor] The goal for this movie is to make you familiar with the text objects available in Cinema 4D. And I say objects, plural, because you indeed have more than one method of working with type in Cinema 4D. So, I've already gone ahead and created a text spline object and a MoText object. Which we can see here in the object manager. So let's first talk about the text blinders. It's the most simple. So selecting that object here, we can see that we have the basic tab and the coordinates tab. And we're going to be focusing on the object tab. Which is where you get all your work done with this particular object. So in the text field, this is where you type in what you want the text to say. And I've just written out motion design. And then you can choose a font, the font weight, the alignment, and other properties as well. I'm using the font phosphate, which has been bundled with Mac OS since about version 10.10…
