From the course: Typography for Motion Designers in Cinema 4D

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Animate with effectors

Animate with effectors

- [Instructor] In this movie we're going to build an animation to reveal this type using effectors and fields. So with the MoText object selected, I'm going to come over to this menu here and add a random effector. I don't want to adjust the exposition. So I'm going to zero that out, and also zero out the Y and increase the Z to 100, just so we get a bit of variation here. Now if you don't like the look of that, don't worry, you can come over to the effector tab and adjust the random seed. And you can do this as many times as you like and you'll get a different result. So, I'm going to, rather randomly, just key in some numbers and just see what we get. Now, we need to reveal this. So I'm going to name this Random Position. And we'll drop this random effector into our effectors list here. So then we'll reselect the MoText object, and we select it every time so that the effector is applied to the letters, like so.…
