From the course: Typography: Choosing and Combining Typefaces

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Combining typefaces that have similar anatomical proportions

Combining typefaces that have similar anatomical proportions

From the course: Typography: Choosing and Combining Typefaces

Combining typefaces that have similar anatomical proportions

In the last movie you saw a graphic with Serif and Sans Serif typefaces. They were all shown at 24 point. You may have noticed that they don't appear to be the same size and that's because of the way in which measuring point sizes evolved. Point sizes were based on the height of the piece of metal which accommodated the X-height plus the height of the ascenders and descenders in a specific design. Typefaces with similar proportions or anatomy can make good partners for your projects. So we're going to have another look at those proportions. Because there can be a clue to creating happy partnerships when combining typefaces. One approach is to look at the X-heights of typefaces you are considering. Typefaces with similar X-heights can pair up nicely, like Helvetica and Century Expanded, Georgia and Serifa or Myriad Pro and Minion Pro. You also want to have a good look at the set width of typefaces you are considering as couples. The set width is the comparable width of specific…
