From the course: Top 10 Skills for Quantitative Analysts

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Critical thinking

Critical thinking

- [Instructor] It may seem obvious, but having good critical thinking skills is really important as a quant analyst. And by that I mean the ability to think clearly and systematically about problems in order to solve complex issues and make sound decisions. There are a few key components here about critical thinking to consider. First, you need to be able to identify the issue at hand and clearly state the problem. Next, you need to gather all relevant information and data related to the issue. Third, you'll need to evaluate the pros and cons of possible solutions and make a reasoned decision. And fourth, you'll need to be able to communicate your thoughts clearly and concisely. By honing your critical thinking skills, you'll be better-equipped to handle whatever challenges come your way. And as a quant analyst, it's important to be able to think critically in order to identify patterns and relationships. There are many…
