From the course: Threat Modeling: Information Disclosure in Depth

Allow me to disclose something

- [Adam] Listen, do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? It's not only a great song, it's a great introduction to the topic of information disclosure. We share information knowing there's a risk of disclosure and we communicate about our policies and expectations for how data is going to be used. This course is part of a series on threat modeling and the stride threats. I'm Adam Shostack. I've written the most popular book on threat modeling, helped create the CVA, and I'm on the Black Hat review board. In this course, you'll learn about the threat of information disclosure and technical systems, including some classic models like information at rest and in motion, and the ways processes leak knowledge that attackers use as stepping stones. We'll look at the side effects of computation and how physical effects of standard CPUs can mess up your security. You'll get a broad overview and deep knowledge about information disclosure threats. There's all sorts of information that we're ready to disclose in this course, so get ready. So, let's get started.
