From the course: The New Rules of Work

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Rule #3: Think like an entrepreneur

Rule #3: Think like an entrepreneur

From the course: The New Rules of Work

Rule #3: Think like an entrepreneur

- Now being passive may have been okay in the time of the old rules of work. If you weren't especially engaged in your work, and you didn't care all that much about the problems you were solving, maybe it was acceptable that you didn't have to be very proactive, but those days are increasingly behind us. Instead, whether we work in a large company or we're a start-up of one, or something in between, we need to think like entrepreneurs, which is the third new rule of work. So what do entrepreneurs do? They identify problems proactively, they don't wait for problems to come to them. I call this dynamically binding around problems, bringing your unique skills to bear on identifying and solving challenges and roadblocks, then pulling others into the process of generating results. Entrepreneurs make decisions based on the information that they have at hand, they don't wait until they have the perfect information they'd like to…
