From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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Using data science to enhance due diligence

Using data science to enhance due diligence

- [Instructor] We've talked about the steps you can take to use data and data analytics for deal sourcing and how you can then add the assessment of those data sources into your data science playbook. Now we will focus on due diligence and start again with thinking about data sources because as the old phrase goes, no data, no model. Before we think about classical data analytics, statistical methods, and also machine learning, let's discuss the multiple data sources available to assess the target company during due diligence. There is external data such as industry reports, market research data, economic indicators, and other information that's coming from external sources. The internal data that the target company has including historical financial data, human resources data, customer databases, operational metrics, measures of utilization, and measures of repeat business. Third-party data and data partnerships can be…
