From the course: The Data Science Playbook for Private Equity and Venture Capital

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Recent changes in data science

Recent changes in data science

- [Instructor] Many of you may be wondering, "Why should I take this course now? What specifically has changed in the business environment and data science over the last few years that requires us to understand how data science can help in the private equity and venture capital space?" It's a great question. The first thing to recognize is that the competitive landscape has changed. The reality is that there are a great deal of companies in the private equity and venture capital space that are heavily invested in data science. As a result, if your company is not making these investments, then they're going to be at a disadvantage. But beyond the question of competition itself, it's important to look at what has changed over the last few decades. Let's consider the data itself. Today, there are data sources that were unthinkable decades ago. We have devices that capture social media information, digital sensors…
