From the course: The Data Science of Nonprofit Service Organizations, with Barton Poulson

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- [Barton] Now that we've covered the basic elements of data science in nonprofit service organizations, and we've even talked about how you can get yourself prepared to get a job in the field, let's see what our next steps are. Well, first off you're gonna need to learn what matters to nonprofits. And you're gonna need to know where is the need. And the easiest way to do this is because nonprofits operate in the public sector, is to read newspapers and blogs. They will be written up, and the things that they address will be in the front pages constantly. So, start reading up. Also, join nonprofit and domain forums on LinkedIn and Facebook. That is, there'll be specific ones for people who work in nonprofits as a whole, but if you're doing nonprofits in health, then you're gonna have even more specific ones. Do both of those, and then discuss topics with other people face to face at meetups, at conferences. Find out what is most important, and you'll quickly find that there are themes…
