From the course: The Data Science of Nonprofit Service Organizations, with Barton Poulson

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New methods for identifying donors

New methods for identifying donors

- [Narrator] Sometimes you don't have to go looking for the money. Instead the money comes raining down on you and that was the case with Poetry Magazine. Now, Poetry Magazine was founded over a hundred years ago and around the turn of the millennium meaning around 2000 had a circulation of about 12,000 issues per month, one of which comes to me. Now, compare that number to People Magazine which reaches over 90,000,000 people per month. Poetry publishes about 300 poems per year out of roughly 100,000 submissions and in the 1970's several of those submissions came from an aspiring poet named Ruth Lilly. Her poems were never published although she received very nice hand-written rejection letters from the editor. Then in 2003 when Ms. Lilly was eighty-eight, and was taking care of her affairs, she made an unsolicited donation to Poetry Magazine. Ruth Lilly was in fact the heir to the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and gave Poetry a gift that was originally worth $100,000,000 but is…
