From the course: The Data Science of Nonprofit Service Organizations, with Barton Poulson

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Ethical issues surrounding data in nonprofit organizations

Ethical issues surrounding data in nonprofit organizations

- [Instructor] Non-profits are paradoxical in a couple of ways. As I've mentioned elsewhere, of the 1.5 million non-profits in the US, about 60% or roughly 900,000 have operating budgets of less than $100,000 per year. These are small organizations run on very limited resources. Nevertheless, they perform extremely valuable services and they're great resources for their community. That's paradox number one. Paradox number two is that while so many non-profits are running on shoestring budgets, they often have data that has great value. Simple lists of names, phone numbers, home addresses, and emails are valuable. Even more valuable are the financial records, including possibly donors' credit card numbers that some of them may have on their records. What this means is that while it may not be worth a thief's time to break in and try to steal an office chair and an eight-year-old computer, there may be great incentive for cyber criminals to break into their digital resources. What's…
