From the course: The Art of Rotoscoping

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- I want to thank you for checking out my course. I hope it gave you technical tools and creative ideas of what can be achieved with rotoscoping, whether you want to create an art look moving media, or separate a subject from its background. Now I want to leave you with few sources to continue your journey on this fascinating topic. First there is this free tool from EbSynth that you can try out. There is a short video here that explain how to work with it, so definitely give it a try. At the intro of this course, I've mentioned the iconic a-ha clip "Take On Me." So if you want to see how it was made, check this three-part mini documentary here at the a-ha channel on YouTube. Now if you're looking for more inspiration, just search for the #rotoscoping on both Instagram and Pinterest. There's an amazing content that people are sharing and sometimes it includes the breakdown and behind the scenes process as well. Finally,…
