From the course: The 45-Minute Business Plan

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Short term

Short term

- Let's take each subsection one at a time, starting with the Short-Term Financial Plan. Here's an example of how this should look. The short-term financial plan for ABC LLC is to obtain funding through a financial source to invest in the startup requirements for the company. By investing early, they will have the ability to take advantage of future business opportunities as they arise. The requested funds will be used as follows. $20,000 for the purchase of resell inventory, $500 for all deposits, $3,000 for the acquisition of long-term assets, $69,000 for equipment, furnishings and office build out, $7,500 in working capital for startup, cash, and operational expenses. $100,000 total business startup requirements and funding requests. This helps show consistency in the plan and reinforces your request for the funding. Of course, you may expand on any part of this as you see needed or required for your business plan.
