From the course: The 45-Minute Business Plan

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Keys to success and SWOT analysis

Keys to success and SWOT analysis

From the course: The 45-Minute Business Plan

Keys to success and SWOT analysis

- Number six, keys to success. Now that you've established a good foundation for what you're wanting to achieve, it's time to list the benchmarks or tools needed to obtain those goals. Examples maybe to follow a proven system consistently. Established great relationships with vendors or contractors. Acquire necessary investment capital or develop dependable and successful marketing campaigns for lead generation. You'll want to include anything you feel will help you stay on track so you achieve your projected growth. Number seven, SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This section requires time and critical thinking as you are going to be compelled to identify information that most new business owners fail to acknowledge. In order to perform a good SWOT analysis, you'll want to focus on the individual parts separately and then begin to formulate the bullet points for each one.…
